
Archive for september 2011

US. State Department er ikke den mest nøytrale kilden; men artig å se Norge med amerikanske Menneskerettighets-briller.

Her er et par utklipp fra deres rapport om menneskerettighets situasjonen i Norge i 2010.

Om raseforfølgelse:

The Organization against Public Discrimination (OMOD) and the Norwegian Center against Racism received some complaints that public security officials used discriminatory racial profiling techniques to stop and search members of ethnic minorities. Evidence of racial profiling was anecdotal because police did not keep records of stop and search activities.


Om representasjon:

«There was one member of parliament from a minority group and one alternate member, both Pakistani-Norwegians. There were no minority ministers or Supreme Court justices»



«NGOs expressed concern, however, regarding the government’s increasing tendency to return persons to areas the UNHCR deemed unsafe, against UNHCR advice. The media reported that, as of the second quarter of the year, authorities had returned 207 refugees to Greece, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka, reportedly against UNHCR advice.»


Mindreårige asylsøker:

«Unaccompanied minor asylum seekers who are at least 15½ years of age at the time of arrival were given a temporary residence permit. The permit expires when they reach 18 years of age, at which time they must return to their country of origin. As of October authorities gave a temporary permit to 38 unaccompanied minors, mostly from Afghanistan (15), Iraq (six), and Ethiopia (three). Some NGOs and local government leaders objected to the practice, expressing concern about its possible psychological impact on children from war-torn countries.»

Poenget her er ikke at Norge er verst i klassen når det kommer til Menneskerettigheter, men at også vi sliter innenfor visse områder med å ikke fall ned mot Menneskerettighetens minstestandarder.

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